The Kardashian sisters were sued on Monday by an investment firm seeking
more than $180 million over their ill-fated beauty line. TMZ
reports that, Hillair Capital Management in Los Angeles, accused the
reality stars of breach of contract, fraud and deceit after investing
more than $10 million to salvage their struggling Kardashian Beauty
makeup line.Hillair in court documents said it agreed
to invest in the Kardashian Beauty makeup line in July 2014 'after
former distributor, Boldface, went belly up amidst legal and financial
'The essence of the parties’ bargain was that Hillair would put up millions of dollars to fund the continued distribution of the Kardashians’ line, and the Kardashians would continue to be the faces of the line, and actively promote, market and support the line,' according to court documents.Hillair claimed that it lived up to its end of the deal, but the sisters did not.
'The Kardashians immediately stopped marketing, promoting, and supporting the line and began courting new potential investors to buy out Hillair’s stake. In short, the Kardashians wanted a better, more lucrative deal,' court documents said.