Thursday 19 May 2016

Christian Girl Burnt To Death By ISIS Says 'FORGIVE THEM' Before Dying In Her Mother's Arms

A Christian girl who was set on fire by ISIS militants said "forgive me" as she died in her mother's arms. The little girl, thought to be 12-years-old, was in the shower of her home in Mosul, Iraq, when the terrorists demanded her mother pay a tax or get out.

The mother said she would pay but could they wait until her daughter was out of the shower. But the ISIS fighters stormed into the bathroom where the girl was and set it on fire with her in it.

Jacqueline Isaac, a human rights advocate, said: “The ISIS foreign fighters were at her door and they told her ‘you have two choices, you are to leave now or you are to pay the Jaziya’.

“She said ‘I will pay, give me a few seconds my daughter is in the shower. They said ‘you don’t have a few seconds’ and they lit the house with a torch from the bathroom the daughter was showering in."

Both mother and child managed to escape the burning house but the child died from her devastating injuries.

Miss Isaac added: “The daughter had four degree burns and the mother took her daughter, scrambling, doing anything to save her.

“Rushed her to the hospital and her daughter died in her arms. The last thing her daughter said: ‘Forgive them’.

"In the misdst of darkness there is light. When there is light there is hope.”