A Danish comedian has come under fire after posting a picture online of him and his toddler daughter having a bath together. Torben Chris has shared the picture with his two-year-old and his facebook Page blew up.
“Someone told me that he had been accused
of paedophilia by a stranger because he bathed with his two-year-old
daughter. Another had been warned that “urge” to paedophilia, because he
had shared a picture of a French braid on his 11-year-old daughter’s
bare back on social media.
“There was even a father whose wife thinks it was inappropriate, if your
daughter was witness to the father urinate.”Listen: children and adults
can be naked together.”There is nothing wrong with a father who washes
his daughter’s bottom and vagina when she’s a child.
On the contrary, it
is bloody disgusting if nobody does it, and unfair if only the mother
does it.”If we couldn’t stand to see each other naked we’d be born with
clothes on,””Nudity with your child’s not gross, but natural. A father
in the shower with her daughter’s not paedophilia, it’s fun.”