Monday, 26 October 2015

U.N. alerted after NASA spots ‘baby polar bear’ walking on Mars

The U.N. has been alerted after NASA found an actual baby polar bear on Mars, with hair and everything. We should point out that they have been alerted by Scott C Waring, a UFO fan and tireless defender of the human race who has previously spotted crabs, a weird ‘dark lady’, and a statue of Buddha on the Red Planet.

If Waring is right, NASA has a lot of questions to answer, like, do the bears eat the space crabs? Are the bears Buddhists? Where do Martian bears, er, relieve themselves?
Waring writes on UFO Sightings Daily, ‘There is a reason NASA puts photos into black and white. To hide the living creatures and plants that are an obvious color. This is a great example of that. This creature has real hair as seen from the shadows around its body. That means it is not a statue, but a living creature.’
‘I will send this to the Secretary General of the United Nations at @SecGen Ban Ki-moon of the UN. I often alert them about these amazing discoveries, but as of yet have gotten only one answer, which was him asking me to send it to the @UN account and not his @SecGen account, then another general at the UN followed me that same day…apparently worried I was off my rocker. So…I try, share this with the world please. Help them open their eyes to the truth.’