Sunday 20 December 2015

3-yr-old Boy to have named changed from Diesel to Popcorn

As if his birth name wasn’t unusual enough, a three-year-old called Diesel is to have his named changed by deed poll to ‘Popcorn’ because he won’t respond to anything else. Hazel Williams, 37, and Huw Roberts admitted that they called their son Diesel with some hesitation, and weren’t sure it was the most suitable name from day one.

After thinking about possible substitutes, they eventually settled on the name ‘Popcorn’.
‘Popcorn, it was the obvious choice,’ said Huw. ‘He was a bit of a fighter during Hazel’s pregnancy, and the kicks in the womb were like the popping that happens when you put the corn in the saucepan.
‘It’s stuck ever since that day.’
Now three, Popcorn prefers his second name so much that he refuses to respond to anything else.
The couple want to make Popcorn Diesel’s official name by changing it via deed poll.

According to the national database of babies’ names, Popcorn will become the first British child to have that name, though there are currently five people in the UK named Diesel.